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Meeting Notes 6/21/21

  • Now using Discord to organize. Please add the first name you're known by as your user name so we know who is posting. Please keep it SFW and kind.

  • We are reopening for in-person shows in October

  • As we look at reopening, how many shows per week should we be booking?

    • Nothing solid was decided, Austin will look at show data for the past five years to figure out what days correspond to higher attendance shows; we still need to figure out our active volunteer base before committing to a set number of shows per week.

  • We are looking for additional bookers. Aaron is stepping back from booking so we need volunteers to join a "Booking" sub-collective; for the rest of 2021 we are only going to work with outside/non-volunteer promoters that we have a good track record with and trust; First Fridays are going to be locals-only shows; improve communication with bands (including expectations for them).

  • How many shows per week? How many bands per show? How much responsibility do we have to baby bands?

    • - Should do a showcase for small local bands once a month - No more than 4 shows per week

    • - Number of shows based on number of active volunteers (more like 2-3 shows per week with current volunteer force)

    • - Bands who do the work of promoting and providing to the space get priority for support booking

    • - 4 Bands or less per show, 5 or more bands will have to organize a backline

    • - Mon-Wed shows for touring bands or big shows only

    • - Austin will run the math on $$ made per day of the week to back up the claim that we don’t make any money during the week

  • Should we look into opening earlier than planned and asking for vaccination proof?

    • - No.

    • - We’re still trying to get the place set up and get insurance

    • - We are financially okay to take our time with this

  • How to better self-advocates and set boundaries around the space

    •  - Stand our ground on our rules

    • - Remove problem people early and often

    • - Let people be grumpy about our rules, they don’t have to come

    • - Gilman Model

      • - Yearly membership (required to enter the space)

      • - Sign a contract with the space

      • - Membership can be revoked for bad behavior

  • As a long-standing DIY in a community where spaces come and go, how do we help to rebuild DIY in the city and what do we owe to the underground music and art community at large?

    • - DIY has always found a way, we need to focus on our own backyard

    • - Bands and volunteers should be asked/expected to promote events

    • - We can create a resource guide for bands and/or new DIY spaces

  • The pandemic livestreams should continue beyond the pandemic in order to be inclusive of folks with disabilities or trouble getting to the actual venue

    • - We could start a twitch channel

    • - Some folks have discussed integrating a stream set up into the soundboard

    • - Maybe livestream only certain shows

    • - Have an OBS owned by the venue

    • - Add venmo as a way to donate at the door or a way to donate during a stream

  • Taking what we’ve learned from the past, what we were able to glean from our break and applying that to how we operate the collective in the future, what will be different?

    • - Biggest thing is Aaron is not the owner, won’t be the primary contact and is in general stepping back from the operation of the venue and collective

    • - Aaron will never send another “we need volunteers for X show” message ever again

    • - We want to keep the collective open and welcoming to new members

    • - Create a discord with different committees to take on areas of what the collective needs

      • - Committees: Booking, Financial, Social Justice, Diversity, Volunteer Management, Promotion

      • - Aaron will collect a definitive list of all the things he was doing and a bit of a how-to for the things that need explaining.

    • - Volunteers need to be held to a high standard

      • - Highest standard of conduct regarding our rules as well as being a good community member. Things that might not get you thrown out or banned might still get you asked to step down from the collective.

      • - 3 main volunteers each night should be 18+ and well-trained (under 18 can still help in other ways with the collective and could be extra hands for shows, but the actual main show volunteers need to be legal adults)

      • - Once a month, the local band showcase can also act as a training night, new volunteers can come to work with experienced volunteers and get advice and training on door and sound

    • - Booking shows needs to be conscious. Only some genres do well with mixed bills and knowing what genres those are and which communities mix well will be the responsibility of the person booking the show

      • - Mixed bills should still come with a “read the room” notice from the bands to ensure everyone knows they’re expected to play nice

    • - Be more deliberate and proactive about promotion

      • - Bands should be expected to promote their shows if they expect to play 7C regularly

      • - Volunteers should post about the shows they are working

      • - Promotional materials should be created in spanish

      • - Some of the volunteer team can “street team” and put fliers and information up around town

    • - To promote diversity and inclusion, volunteers who belong to certain marginalized groups will be invited to create and host events or showcases centering those groups

      • - Ex: Queer showcase, all femme book club, indiginous showcase, artist of color outdoor gallery, etc.

    • - Strive to keep the place cleaner and looking nice in the hopes that people will break things less if they look nice

    • - Volunteer meetings will be held at a set day and time twice a month

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