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Meeting Notes 3/14/22


- Door folks, please keep good track of Venmo, Credit Card and Cash transactions for both Membership and Donation

- Aaron and Cameron will have Venmo access to pull lost transactions and/or pay out bands at the end of the night

- We'll look again this summer to see if it makes $$ sense to switch entirely to an actual POS system

- @Sasha Dude was selected against his will as the interim Master of Coin while Aaron is on tour this summer

- Zobeda and Jasper will begin work on organizing and cleaning the record store in the coming weeks. Anyone who wants to help should hit them up.

- We're going to set a recurring merch order so we always have 7C merch money to use to buy records for the store from touring bands.

- Anyone who wants to book with 7C should attend several meetings and work several shows, getting a feeling for how we run things first. Then, be point person and/or co-booker with someone already booking here on a show or two before setting off on their own.

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